Thursday, May 21, 2015

Match the word to the character or person

Match the character or person to the word that best fits him or her

  1. Acumen  -  __________
  2. Adjudicate  -  __________
  3. Flamboyant  -  __________
  4. Lackey  -  __________
  5. Monolithic  -  __________
  6. Nihilism  -  __________
  7. Patrician  -  __________

Spiderman known for his spidey senses and his ability to make quick decisions under pressure.

The Thing is known for his orange rocky appearance and his solid physique.

Simba is the son of Mufasa who "just can't wait to be king."

Judge Judy may sometimes seem like a character on a reality TV show but in the end she is still a judge.

Geoffrey served as an English butler in The Fresh Price of Bel-Air.

Lady Gaga, a singer, songwriter, and actress, is best known for her rather interesting outfits as seen here.

These characters in The Purge neglect the existing laws and promote anarchy in their society.

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