Thursday, May 28, 2015


Liaison: [lee-ey-zawn]

Here's how to remember:

Li + Ai + Son -- The son of Li and Ai acts as a liaison between them after their divorce.  

Where would you rate JARVIS on this semantic differential scale? Include your explanation for your decision below.

Liaison------1------2------3------4------5------6------7------Done Yourself

J.A.R.V.I.S. stands for "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System," and it is Iron Man's AI. Everything that Tony Stark wants done, he will usually ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to do it for him.

What are the benefits / drawbacks of using a liaison within a relationship or communications system?

Find the antonym within the list of synonyms below.  (CAUTION: This one may be tricky)


Now find the definition that best fits the vocab word.

  1. the total rejection of existing laws, institutions, and moral values; extreme radicalism
  2. the contact or means of communication between groups; someone acting as such a contact; any close relationship; a thickening or binding agent used in cooking
  3. of doubtful or questionable authenticity
  4. to redirect the energy of a biological or instinctual impulse into a higher or more acceptable channel

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