1.) Acumen: [uh-kyoo-muh n]
Acumen sounds like IQ-men so men with a high IQ have the ability to judge quickly.
Who has a greater acumen?
2.) Adjudicate: [uh-joo-di-keyt]
If you add a judge than a decision will be made.
3.) Anachronism: [uh-nak-ruh-niz-uh m]
A chronometer measures time and an is used in the negative sense so anachronism is something that is not in the right time.
4.) Apocryphal: [uh-pok-ruh-fuh l]
Which of these would you describe as being apocryphal?
5.) Disparity: [dih-spar-i-tee]
Parity means equal so disparity means unequal.

Explain the disparity between the two images above.
6.) Dissimulate: [dih-sim-yuh-leyt]
Dissim(U LATE) - when you're late to class you pretend that you're not.
7.) Empirical: [em-pir-i-kuh l]
Maintaining an empire requires many practical experiences.
8.) Flamboyant: [flam-boi-uh nt]
Imagine a boy wearing a shirt with a flame on it. This would be a flamboyant shirt.
Which of the shirts above is more flamboyant?
9.) Fulsome: [foo l-suh m, fuhl-]
You can (Fool Some) people with excessive and insincere praise.
10.) Immolate: [im-uh-leyt]
Immolate sounds like omelette and you have to sacrifice an egg to make an omelette.
11.) Imperceptible: [im-per-sep-tuh-buh l]
If you perceive something than you are aware of it. Add the "im" in front of this word and now you are unaware or unnoticed.
Can you name three things that are imperceptible?
12.) Lackey: [lak-ee]
A lackey cannot lack many things or else they will be fired or dismissed.
Can you point out the lackey's in this photo?
13.) Liaison: [lee-ey-zawn]
Li + Ai + Son -- The son of Li and Ai acts as a liaison between them after their divorce.
14.) Monolithic: [mon-uh-lith-ik]
Mono means single and lithic relates to rocks so a single rock is solid and uniform.
15.) Mot juste: [moh zhyst]
Just is a synonym for right so something is mot juste, than it is just right.
Which of the images above is mot juste?
16.) Nihilism: [nahy-uh-liz-uh m]
A nihilistic person might try to anNIHILate the world.
Can you think of a time in history where there was complete nihilism?
17.) Patrician: [puh-trish-uh n]
Imagine that Patricia is a member of the ruling class.
18.) Propitiate: [pruh-pish-ee-eyt]
Separate this word into parts and you get PROf + PITIate, so if you want your professor's pity then you would have to appease him or her.
Write a sentence using the word about a time where you had to appease someone.
19.) Sic: [sik]
When you don't want to go to school, you make yourself SICk on purpose. When you see "sic" in a book, it means that the error was left alone on purpose and should be left as is.

20.) Sublimate: [suhb-luh-meyt]
When water goes through underground sub-layers of limestone, the water is purified.
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