Thursday, May 28, 2015

Welcome to Unit 10!

Here we are...Unit 10.  Just think that after this section you will only have five more sections of fun and excitement contained within this book of knowledge and wisdom.  If you have already made the effort to study the first nine sections of vocab in this book that you have to just keep going at this point.  In all seriousness however, there's a lot of fun and cool activities for you to do right here on this blog so we hope you enjoy!

Each section will start off with the correct pronunciation of  the word which will be broken into parts to help you sound it out.  Immediately following there will be an extremely helpful trick or tip that will help engrave the word into your mind so that you can recall it for the rest of your lifetime.  Some of the ways to remember the word may be a little bit of a stretch but work with us a little bit and you never know, maybe our quirky trick will just work for you.

If you haven't already experienced them by now, you will right here.  What are we talking about?  Semantic Differential Scales (SDS).  What you will do is read the scenario that we have set up for you and then you will use previous knowledge as well as the captions provided to aide you in the process.  You will see a scale in which there are two words or phrases that belong at opposite sides of the spectrum and it is your job to mark off from 1 to 7 where you stand with your thoughts and opinions.  You will also have a space provided to explain why you chose the number that you did and to defend your answer.

Along the way you may also find yourself answering some short questions or prompts that were created to guide your thinking as you learn the particular vocab word.  Feel free to use the text boxes at your will (although they may not save your writing) and use the space to quickly respond and share with a friend.  You may also be doing some analyzing as you look at images or videos that have to do with the word you are studying.  Some answers may be more obvious than others  but do your best to try and figure out the meaning of the word.

At the end of every section there are synonyms/antonyms for the particular word as well a section to guess the correct definition of the word that you have been learning.  Hopefully your mind has been thinking about the definition and meaning of the word along the way and this last part is a breeze.  You can find the answers to the definition question in a separate post towards the end of the blog.

If you look to the very end of the blog you will find a multitude of games, puzzles, and activities that you can peruse at your own time for a little review and practice as the final test approaches.  So study as long as you want and enjoy these twenty fascinating vocab words.

List of words

Mot juste


Acumen: [uh-kyoo-muh n]

Here's how to remember:

Acumen sounds like IQ-men so men with a high IQ have the ability to judge quickly. 

   Image result for patrick the star

Between Albert Einstein and Patrick the Star, who demonstrates a greater acumen? Explain.

Explain how the word describes what is occurring in the visual text.  Be able to use the word in your explanation.

Which character has the greatest sense of acumen and why?  Be able to defend your answer.

  Image result for monsters inc slug  Image result for barney

Now sort the following words into synonyms and antonyms for the word acumen.


Think you know the word by now?  Try and find the correct definition below.

  1. keenness of insight; quickness or accuracy of judgment
  2. the contact or means of communication between groups; someone acting as such a contact; any close relationship; a thickening or binding agent used in cooking
  3. the total rejection of existing laws, institutions, and moral values; extreme radicalism
  4. to make someone or something favorably inclined toward oneself; to conciliate, satisfy, or appease


Adjudicate: [uh-joo-di-keyt]

Here's how to remember:

If you add a judge than a decision will be made.

Which of the following images best represents the word:


Watch Ryan Gosling act as an arbitrator on a city street. Have you ever had to adjudicate a certain situation?  If so write about it and share with a partner.

Synonym time! Find the antonym within the list of synonyms below.


Now that you have practice, find the definition that best suits the word.

  1. a member of the ruling class; a person of high or noble rank or of prominent social standing
  2. to make someone or something favorably inclined toward oneself; to conciliate, satisfy, or appease
  3. to act as judge in a matter; to settle through the use of a judge or legal tribunal
  4. to hide or disguise one's true thoughts, feelings, or intentions


Anachronism: [uh-nak-ruh-niz-uh m]

Here's how to remember:

A chronometer measures time and an is used in the negative sense so anachronism is something that is not in the right time.

Have you ever made a chronological error or misplaced something?  I know I have.  Write about a time where you made an anachronism.  Share your response with a friend.


In what way do the images above represent the word?  Now create your own visual in which there is an anachronism.

Figure out which of the words below is not a synonym for anachronism.


See if you can guess the correct definition of the word now that you have had some practice.

  1. the total rejection of existing laws, institutions, and moral values; extreme radicalism
  2. characterized by massiveness, solidness, and total uniformity
  3. offensively insincere or excessive; disgusting, sickening
  4. a chronological misplacing of events, objects, customs, or persons in regard to each other


Apocryphal: [uh-pok-ruh-fuh l]

Here's how to remember:

When broken into parts, apocryphal becomes APO + CRY + PHAL(Fail).  You cry because you failed which cannot be true because I'm sure you passed so therefore it's of questionable authenticity.  

Which of these would you describe as being apocryphal?

See if you can spot the apocryphal beings in this video below.  

Figure out which word below is not a synonym for the word apocryphal.


Now that you have some practice with the word, see if you can guess the definition from the choices below.

  1. offensively insincere or excessive; disgusting, sickening
  2. to hide or disguise one's true thoughts, feelings, or intentions
  3. to make someone or something favorably inclined toward oneself; to conciliate, satisfy, or appease
  4. of doubtful or questionable authenticity


Disparity: [dih-spar-i-tee]

Parity means equal so disparity means unequal.


Explain the disparity between the two images above.

Using the word, write a sentence or two describing what is going on in the picture below.

Use this semantic differential scale to place your opinion between the two characters below.  Offer an explanation for your decision.


On the left is Quicksilver, while on the right is the Flash. They both have the ability of super speed. 

Figure out which of the words below is not a synonym for the word disparity.


Now that you have had some practice, see if you can guess the definition from the options below.

  1. a difference in equality in age, rank, degree, amount, or quality; a dissimilarity, unlikeness
  2. keenness of insight; quickness or accuracy of judgment
  3. a uniformed male servant; a servile follower
  4. to make someone or something favorably inclined toward oneself; to conciliate, satisfy, or appease


Dissimulate: [dih-sim-yuh-leyt]

Dissim(U LATE) - when you're late to class you pretend that you're not.  

Some people purposely put up a wall around themselves so that others cannot see what they are feeling.  Can you think of any profession or situation in which it is appropriate or accustomed for a person to dissimulate themselves?  Share your thoughts with a friend.

Describe what is taking place in the image above by using the vocab word in your explanation.

Try and find the synonyms and antonyms of the word below.


See if you can uncover the correct definition from the options provided.

  1. to redirect the energy of a biological or instinctual impulse into a higher or more acceptable channel
  2. to make someone or something favorably inclined toward oneself; to conciliate, satisfy, or appease
  3. to hide or disguise one's true thoughts, feelings, or intentions
  4. a chronological misplacing of events, objects, customs, or persons in regard to each other


Empirical: [em-pir-i-kuh l]

Here's how to remember:
Maintaining an empire requires many practical experiences. 

Explain how this series of events below represents the vocab word.  Would you want to married in an empirical way?

See if you can spot the synonyms and antonyms from the choices below.


Now see if you can guess which definition is the correct one.

  1. the most suitable or exact word or expression
  2. extremely slight; incapable of being perceived by the senses or the mind
  3. a difference in equality in age, rank, degree, amount, or quality; a dissimilarity, unlikeness
  4. derived from, dependent upon, or guided by practical experience, observation, or experiment, rather than by theory; so verifiable


Flamboyant: [flam-boi-uh nt]

Here's how to remember:

Imagine a boy wearing a shirt with a flame on it.  This would be a flamboyant shirt. 

Which of the shirts above is more flamboyant?

Watch this video and try and see if you can guess what the definition of flamboyant is.  If you want to challenge yourself, try not to laugh during this short film.  

With the image provided, see if you can come up with other words that may be synonymous with flamboyant to describe what you see.  

Were these any of the words you thought of:


If so...good job!  These are all synonyms for flamboyant

Now see if you can spot the correct definition after all this practice.

  1. highly elaborate or ornate; vividly colored; strikingly brilliant or bold
  2. a difference in equality in age, rank, degree, amount, or quality; a dissimilarity, unlikeness
  3. characterized by massiveness, solidness, and total uniformity
  4. belonging to, befitting, or characteristic of such a person


Fulsome: [foo l-suh m, fuhl-]

Here's how to remember:
You can (Fool Some) people with excessive and insincere praise.

Watch from 45:13 to 46:25 and see if you notice the type of praise that is being given to Mike, Sully, and their team. 

Has there ever been a time where you have experienced fulsome praise?  If so write about it and vent your feelings.

See if you can spot the antonym among the synonyms listed below.


Now see if you can figure out the correct definition below.

  1. a chronological misplacing of events, objects, customs, or persons in regard to each other
  2. of doubtful or questionable authenticity
  3. the total rejection of existing laws, institutions, and moral values; extreme radicalism
  4. offensively insincere or excessive; disgusting, sickening


Immolate: [im-uh-leyt]

Here's how to remember:
Immolate sounds like omelette and you have to sacrifice an egg to make an omelette.  

Quick history lesson: When the Aztecs took captives, they would enslave some and immolate the others as you see here.  Judging by the picture above, what do you think the word immolate means in context?

This is an example of a protester self-immolating himself.  Not the smartest thing to do.

Were going to switch it up a little here.  Instead find the synonym among the antonyms listed below.


Now find the correct definition that fights the examples shown above.

  1. to redirect the energy of a biological or instinctual impulse into a higher or more acceptable channel
  2. the total rejection of existing laws, institutions, and moral values; extreme radicalism
  3. to kill as a sacrifice, especially by fire; to destroy or renounce for the sake of another
  4. a uniformed male servant; a servile follower